Actor Raj Singh Chaudhary, who plays an abducted groom in Sushil Rajpal's "Antardwand", should give credit to director Imtiaz Ali for getting the lead role.
Director Sushil Rajpal wanted Imtiaz to act in the film, but Imtiaz could not give in to the request as he was busy with his directorial venture. Imtiaz, who has made films like "Jab We Met" and "Love Aaj Kal", however, took the onus of casting the lead actor himself.
Imtiaz had met Raj through filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, who had cast him in "Gulaal".
"Antardwand" is based on a true story of groom kidnapping in Bihar. The film is slated to hit the screens Aug 27.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 12:15 IST